“My name is Pedro Costa, I’m 23 years old and I work in advertising. Throughout my life I have really liked fashion, in fact, I think that when you like it is always like that, everyone is tied even if not in such a direct way through their life. I believe that fashion is within what we believe as our expressions and personality, not only the general concept of it, but it effectively says who you are and what you want to show to the world, what message you want to put out there no matter where you are. Besides being an art form, another big passion I’ve always had, you know that kid that from the first contact it has with art, says he wants to be a painter, but then he evolves and begins to better understand his own concept of art – that happened to me. I was a kid that loved to express myself in any way when I was growing up, whether it was by the way I dressed, the way I spoke, sung, demonstrated, painted, all of this, I believe, is a part of who I am, and I think that most people in advertising are like that, failed painters (laughs). People that wanted to express themselves in some way and through advertising found a way to showcase their ideas, their creativity. I always wanted to put out there everything that was going on in my head and express myself in the best way possible.
It’s hard to romanticize advertising, we work a lot, but once you can see that as an expression of your personality, everything changes.
just like in my situation with Reebok, I know that during this one year I’ve been with the brand, in everything I’ve done for them, I’ve put what I believe into the communication and the art that is speaking for a brand. Communicating like that is not for everyone, we have to understand advertising as a message that has to be sent and only a message that has to be sold.”