Guilherme Grosma is a history student and another sneakerhead from Curitiba interviewed by us. He told us about how sneaker became a part of his universe, how he gets so interested in stories behind each sneaker and the unlikely way this Dunk got to him.
“My name is Guilherme, I’m 25 and I have been collecting sneakers for the last four years. I’ve always had an interest for sneakers when I was a kid I would ask my mom “I want those Qix!” (laughs). Later on, I started working in stores and I’m not sure if it got anything to do with what I study, but I’m getting my degree in History, but I’m really curious about what’s behind the creation of each sneaker.”
What’s your relationship with sneakers in general?
guilhermeI see sneakers as a parallel universe of collections and brands. What people used to do with postal cards, that’s what we do with sneakers. Besides being able to get one, today is much easier and accessible to get them, then it was back then. What it means to me is, to wake up and start making plans of how you’re going to get the sneaker you want; to go to work thinking that you gotta make money so you can buy a certain sneaker. I need to pay the water bill, lights, rent, but damn, in a month those Dunks I wanted are coming out, so I work the whole month thinking about it (laughs). That’s inserting the sneaker universe into your universe.
I end up making my own stories with my sneakers exactly because I like them, I remember what sneakers I was wearing when I met my girlfriend, and I remember because I like them.

And what’s your relationship with this Dunk?
guilhermeWhen they dropped I thought they were dope! I’ve always been in love with the Tiffany color and the leather was so dope, it’s a hell of a sneaker. This pair right here belonged to a friend o mine and he got them with another friend we had in common. I didn’t get them at the time because when he offered me the sneaker I got caught up in some stuff and couldn’t pay for them because I had other priorities, no money and I told him if he got another game on them he could pass them up.
My friend ended up passing on the sneakers to this other dude, that I was his son’s godfather! (laughs) The dude was like my bother. He came up to me and said: “Man I know how much you like this sneaker, and I’m not even a big fan of Dunks, so take them”. So that’s how these sneakers made their way to me, I swore I wasn’t going to get them, but they found their way to me.

Have you ever been stopped on the street because of them?
guilhermeFirst time I wore them this really excited kid came up to me and he was like “Holy shit man, hold up, hold up! That’s the Diamond, right? He took a picture with me and send it to his friends. (laughs)

Nike Dunk High SB Tiffany
Owner: Guilherme Grosma
Bought: 2016
Photos by: Kickstory