Kaique is PR and has already had his own fashion column on MTV Brazil portal. Connecting people with brands, traveling and working with clients from different countries, Kaique is, in his own words “a person who is thirsty to create and willing to give voice to people who have the potential to change the world”. For this Kickstory interview, he was wearing the adidas originals Deerupt Pride Pack, a sneaker made to celebrate the LGBT pride month and put in question a super important subject thats still has to be addressed in 2018.

“Nobody wants to be tied to a single place anymore. We live in a capital with a million things happening all the time, as we are sitting here there are 4 cultural events happening in the city, it’s really bad for you to be stuck inside an office, while your head is bubbling know what’s going on in the world out there.”
How did you make your way, from your Tumblr all the way till today?

Where did your interest in streetwear come from?

“We’re are living at a very propitious time to talk about the subjects this pack stands for.”
What’s your relationship with sneakers in general?
What’s your relationship with this Adidas Deerupt Pride?
“Be happy your own way and let other be their way.”

Maybe by wearing these clothes and these sneakers, people might look, see the flag, and might reflect on something that she might not have if I wasn’t wearing it, so wherever I go I plant a tiny seed of reflection. We have been seeing a lot of bad news, like harassments because of the World Cup, a lot of LGBTs being killed around the world, prejudice everywhere, and a bunch of ridiculous stuff happening, and to see people actually agreeing to this behavior is unacceptable. So my choice is for the Pride Month and all the manifestations that are going on – the more people that can fight and raise flag for a cause, even if it’s not our own cause, it’s wonderful.
Another thing that I really liked about the Pride Pack was that Adidas partnered up with Casa 1, a center that shelters and supports LGBTs in situations of risk – they promote workshops, lectures, and a bunch of actions to give social support to them.
Do you have any stories with them?
Adidas Deerupt Pride
Owner: @kaique
Bought: 2018
Photos by: Pérola Dutra