I chose this Busenitz Vulc Samba because of the history I have with them. This one is all black, in leather, very resistant. At the time when I got these, my mom had passed away and I was going through a phase where I was wearing black a lot, I wanted to be discrete. I would stay at home a lot, I didn’t want to go out, it was tough. But it was also when I focused on skating hard, I was skating every day and I was really fixed on it. Skateboarding helped me forget about my problems and made me reinvent myself so I could go on living, so to me, this Busenitz helped me through this phase of reinventing myself and getting back up… resilience you know?
The fact that it’s all black helped me to grow, to see my darker side, so I could, later on, reach the light and direction, and then grow personally, professionally and socially. That’s why I chose them, They were with me through my hardest moments, they where there even if they didn’t want to be since I chose them (laughs), but it was at the right time. I believe things happen at the right time so everytime I look at them I remember that I remember to fight and to have strength. This is actually my second pair, the first one is all torn up.