Sarah Oliveira Sarah

Sarah Oliveira

Nike Terminator High Nike Terminator High
12—23—2016 Photos by: Kickstory
Sarah Oliveira

Sarah, what’s your relationship with sneakers in general?

SarahI have a deep relation with the All Star, I have only All Stars in my life and this lonely Nike. It’s special exactly because of it, besides having received it as a gift, my father sent me this sneaker from Japan! He sent me two pictures of sneakers and asked me to choose the one I wanted and it was these here. I still have the pictures!

But was your father living in Japan?

SarahMy father lives in Japan, in Osaka! He works in one of this cellphone industries for about 15 years already. He sent me the shoes by mail, it came in an really cute and nice box from there.

And what’s your relationship with this Nike Terminator?

SarahI really like it to go to shows and events. It’s nice because it’s comfortable, and has a heel, so it makes me taller to watch shows. And I think this year was the first time I cleaned it, after the Lolla[palooza], that’s why it’s whiter, it was really dirty.

Go to Lollapalooza is asking to get it dirty!

SarahYes! But it’s so comfortable, I cannot imagine going in All Stars to any event like that, because it’s just not comfortable, even though it matches with anything! (laughs)

If you want to give me a gift, give me an All Star… or better, books! (more laughs).

Nike Terminator High Gradient Pack
Bought: 2008
Owner: Sarah Oliveira
Size: BR38/US8.5
Photos by: Kickstory


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