And there is another problem in Portugal, which is that people talk a lot but don’t buy stuff. It’s a lot like here in Barcelona, people complain that there are no events here like there is in London, Amsterdam, etc. But when there is an event here, nobody buys anything, no one wants to spend their money. We had the Loversneakers here, I opened a mini stand with my friends, each one brought their sneakers and we sold more sangria than sneakers – we made a jar of sangria so we could sell it (laughs). I ended up selling only one pair in two days. So that’s it, people talk too much, but the truth is that they just want to buy them so they can sell it. Everyone talks shit on resellers, but everybody does it. If I can buy a sneaker for €200 and sell them for €600, why wouldn’t I do it? It’s a job -– I bought it, I sold it, I get another pair or go on vacation. To buy sneakers you need money, and to get money I sell my sneakers. I’m not spending the money I got from my work, that money goes to paying the car, the bills, the house, a trip, food etc. Without the resell, there is no movement. It’s annoying when you want to get some sneakers but when you’re down at the store there’s no more left, it’s annoying, but it’s what it is.