Verônica Hipólito got her track spikes as a fourth-generation hand-me-down. That’s right, three people had worn them down before her. There were some missing spikes on the outsole, beat-down mesh, it was an old model and people judged her for it. And what did she do with those spikes? History! She won the world track and field championship and didn’t stop there. Check out Verônica’s interview to find out everything she did with her Nike Zoom Jana Star II.

Tell us, when and how did you started to practice track and field?

“I wasn’t the fastest girl in town, I didn’t win the school games at first, but I won the adult world championship with 17 years old as a rookie.”

You joined the Brazilian team a few months before the 2013 World Championships in Lyon, France. What was the feeling of joining the team and being able to represent Brazil?

And it was with this Nike Zoom Jana Star II shoe that you won theWorld Championship! What’s your story with it? Why is it so important to you?

“A good friend of mine, Yohansson, saw that I was scared and he said: ‘You sprinted a bunch of times in practice, you ran several times, but for the competition you have to run only once, go out there and do it, this is easier than any practice’.”

“I know them and they know me, on any track, rubber, coal, dirt, I knew what it was like, I knew how far they could take me and how they were already taking me. And it was these spikes, my first one, that, not only led me to the title but also made Nike come sponsor me. In what dreams did I imagine Nike would come to me wanting to sign me?!”
You talk a lot about how it felt to have an inferior spike to that of the other girls. Did you feel any prejudice against you for that?
verônicaSeveral times. Some people laughed, stared and think less of me, like: “You won’t be able to go, what are you doing here”. But really, aside from the World championship, when I was feeling more insecure, I never really cared because these are my spikes, it was my first Nike shoe and I still have them today, I love these little girls (laughs). I know them and they know me, on any track, rubber, coal, dirt, I knew what it was like, I knew how far they could take me and how they were already taking me. And it was these spikes, my first one, that, not only led me to the title but also made Nike come sponsor me. In what dreams did I imagine Nike would come to me wanting to sign me?!

Was it hard for you to use other spikes after this one?
“But the main part of why I am here is to have fun and laugh, every practice I leave knowing I left it all out there. When I lost a very dear friend, I ran. When my grandma got sick, I ran. When I found out I had to have surgery, I ran. And I would come back feeling great.”

“Last year I wasn’t able to walk without using my walker or without propping myself against the wall. Today I ran with the strongest battery for boys and girls. What stops me from going to Pan, World’s, Tokyo and to win? Nothing.”
After your last surgery you stopped for a while, but now you’re back at it. What are your next steps?
verônicaI was out for two and a half years, I had several difficulties, but one thing that we believe here, is that you take one step at a time, you fix one thing and fix another. Today you run 10m, but tomorrow you run 10.1m and the day after tomorrow you run 10.2m. The important thing is one step at a time. Sometimes you have to step back a little, sometimes you go too far, but it is slowly that you get there.

Nike Zoom Jana Star II
Bought: 2010
Owner: Verônica Hipólito
Photos by: Vitória Leona