São Paulo is the biggest city in Latin America, and its geographic space is so massive that you won’t be left without enough places to explores. It’s a city that never sleeps and the daily rush doesn’t stop. With that in mind, Nike presents the City Fast Pack and the Air Max ’97 Ultra, sneakers for those who need comfort for an entire day moving through a city like this. We caught up with 4 people who live the city to its fullest, to talk about this new pack, to understand how a day in their daily hustle is like. Each one in their own way.
Up first is Fabrizio, an architect/illustrator/designer, and one of the partners of Vapor 324. He shared with us a bit of how he learned to understand urban spaces up until how he built his life around the city’s environment so he could live a pleasant life in it.

Tell us a little bit about how you became an illustrator, architect and designer.

When did you start thinking about Urban spaces and drawing the city?

What is Vapor 324?
fabrizioVapor is where I work, it’s an architecture, design and audiovisual studio. It was founded by me and three other associates that went to college with me. They were older than me and I would always say that they were the guys that I wanted to work with when I was younger I thought they were awesome. Not to mention my college was small and everyone knew each other. We became friends and started working together in the school’s basement, where we would make like lamps for the school’s parties. It started working out and we moved to an office with 9 friends, it lasted about 3 years. Later on, we split up and along with these 3 guys we founded Vapor, and it’s been 4 years now.
We develop various projects within architecture and design. The projects are divided in construction work: we have a strong performance on renovation and creating projects for restaurants, apartments, houses, furniture, we are very keen on drawing everything millimetrically, and executing intelligent and honest architecture. We also operate with graphic design and illustration: visual identity, graphic identities for festivals, shows, events. I’ve done a lot of stuff for newspapers, I drew a lot of stuff for Estadão and Folha de São Paulo and magazines. We also have an audiovisual sector that’s responsible for installations, projections, video mapping and animation.
The idea that we have is that all areas can come together, that’s what we like doing the most. For example, when we make an audiovisual installation like we did for Virada Cultural, you have to draw it, you have to make a project: architecture comes in, you draw one of the peace, make it according to the clients budget; then you take that drawing and you animated on the computer and then you put the audiovisual on the installation. You see, everything comes together. That’s the coolest part. Even when we make animations for social media, like the ones for Red Bull Music Academy, the graphic part ends up helping the audiovisual. And one of my partners is doing a lot of soundtracks, so we’re producing everything right here.

Maybe it’s a premise for architecture, but would you say that your projects have any impact on the city and on people’s lives?

What’s your relationship with the city?
fabrizioIt’s the best possible. I have a love hate relationship with São Paulo – more love than hate, because I know it has the potential to be really dope but it isn’t since it’s not being used. It has awesome geography, it has 2 insane rivers going through it and it has a lot of good people, good architects, a lot of people who think the city, but nevertheless, years go by and nothing changes. There is a huge lack of public spaces, of bike lanes, of programs to make the city a more pleasant and nice place just like they are out there. Here we wait until there’s a huge demand, to take any kind of action, for example, let’s wait until there are a million cyclists before we can make a bicycle lane, instead of making the lanes to encourage people to use them. This is the part that I hate.
But the love I have for the city is because I think that São Paulo is really awesome, it’s a city that in certain neighborhoods like the Center, expanded – Center, many different cultures come together in a way that doesn’t happen anywhere else. For example, the Pari neighborhood is a huge Syrian-Lebanese immigration colony, also a very recent Bolivian one as well, there is also a Korean one from the 80s, there are mosques, women with burkas on the streets, there’s some Portuguese as well all in the same place, all at the same time. And it’s not like they are interacting with each other because that would be a lie, but everything is happening right there, coexisting, and I just think it’s so dope. Besides the city is so beautiful, the old center, the new center, they’re marvelous. So I reshaped my life to be incredible: Me and my wife live in a very old building in the center with no gate or nothing, I have no car, I only use my bike, I work in the center so I go out to eat every day in all the different places I know, it’s so nice. The city gave me a lot – my job, my passion for drawing. What I draw, comes a lot from observing the city around me, not to mention all the people I met through bike riding, during night rides; I made a lot of friends on the streets.

Which places of the city would you take someone?
fabrizioThere is this place that I love, that it’s an old bar at Liberdade called Kintaro – to me this place is the definition of São Paulo. It belongs to an immigrant family that prospered selling food, it’s an old bar that sums up what São Paulo is, and there’s from sfihas to colored eggs, or from caipirinhas to sakes. I really like Liberdade, to me, it’s a really photogenic place. I would also take them to Ita, that I also love, it’s a Portuguese family that opened this bar to sell bacalhau on Fridays, but they also sell Brazilian food. There is this thing of immigrants adapting to the local culture, and I think it’s incredible how it happens so organically over here.
There is this path that I love going on here, that I call “the touristy path”. If a foreigner came here I would put them in a car or on a bike and go through the path: You start at Paulist with Consolação, then you cross the entire Paulista Av, you go through Liberdade, and you turn behind Praça da Sé, go by Patio do Colegio until Largo São Bento and take Libero Badadó till Viaduto do Chá, then you turn right and once you went through the overpass you go behind the Teatro municipal and take Av. São João. To me, there is no better route to take a tourist, and it has to be done at night. A lot of times when I need to think, I take my bike and do it.

Is there a part of São Paulo that you identify with?
Describe to us what an ideal day would be in Fabrizio’s daily routine.
fabrizioAn ideal day would be, to wake up and go paddle a bit – going back to the subject, that’s one of the things I don’t like about São Paulo, there are very few places you can ride your bike. It’s USP, the bike lane, and the road, but it’s a pain in the ass going out of São Paulo to ride on the road. And this is something that I miss, having nature close to where you are peddling. But anyway, the ideal day is to wake up, ride my bike, go back home, take a shower, have breakfast, get my bike again, stop on the way to get some more coffee, like at KOF or at Beluga’s, get to work, and the ideal day I just create stuff and not have to handle any problems. Then I leave and stop by the market to get some thing to cook and then I go home, and I keep drawing (laughs). There’s a lot of days like this.
what role do your sneakers play on your daily hustle?