When you meet Maiwsi Ayana, she is one of those people that make you ask yourself “what doesn’t she do?”. From São Paulo’s far east side, the Cidade Tiradentes native, @maiwsi works with production, style, fashion stylist, social media, as a costume designer, dancer, plays for the afro bloco @zumbiido, and in her own words ” there’s more stuff but I always forget.” She talked to us about her passion for fashion, how her opinions reflected on her creations and how she deals with living so far away from the city center, and still, manages to get everything done.
When and how did you become interested in fashion?
What’s your creative process for developing your clothes?
It’s easy to see that your opinions reflect on your creations. How is this connection between your ideas and what you make?
maiwsiEverything that’s made for someone has a bit of that, but not necessarily what I, Maiwsi, think. With the brand, especially with the collections, it has a concern to put out the black identity. So my first collection was a narrative in homage to my mom, telling my story – It was an entirely black and white collection – I did the pictures with an albino girl and with a red hair black man. So I tried to address the differentiation of color, in a more human way, but not necessarily race.
Does the city affect/inspire the way you dress?
What’s your relationship with the city?
What places would you take someone who’s never been in the city? Is there a place that you identify yourself more?
Describe to us what a day in Maiwsi’s life is like?
What role do your sneakers have on your daily hustle?
Nike AirZoom Mariah Flyknit Racer
Won: 2017