“My name is Mariane, but I prefer Mari and I’m 24 years old. I’m a designer and I work in a small studio. I always liked the profession, ever since I was little my dad encouraged me to get into this line of work.
I like chocolate, a lot, I really really like it (laughs). If I don’t have my chocolate, I can’t do anything in my life, he is essential to me. I think that this is what defines me: I’m a designer and I like chocolate. And oh! Sneakers!”
Mari, what’s your relationship with sneakers?
mariI’ve always wore sneakers, since I was a little girl I always liked comfortable shoes. I could never stand wearing something that bothered me for a long time, and I like them because I can wear them with anything possible, he always compliments the look. These days I don’t own many pairs, I used to have many, but back then I used to donate them if I wasn’t wearing them a lot. I had this Nike that was really cool and I now I regret giving them away.
I wanted to have a lot of pairs but I feel bad on wearing them, so I always end up wearing the same old sneakers, this one and another one that is a compliment to the story I’m going to tell.
But you have other ones that you just don’t use or you don’t even buy them knowing you won’t use them?
mariThere’s actually both cases, there’s a lot of sneakers that I don’t buy because I know I’m going to feel bad on wearing them, that they’re going to get dirty when it rains and stuff like that. But there’s other that just stay put away, one that I don’t use just because I’m scared to get them dirty, and there’s another one that I only use when it’s sunny and feels like summer, I can’t wear them in the winter. It’s really crazy (laughs).
And what’s your relationship with this Adidas?
marithis one I got when I got into college in 2010. I needed another sneaker because I only wore Keds, and I was tired of only wearing them. I wanted something different. So I found this one, and it was great because at the time I was going through colorful fase, so it was perfect.
I used them for two years straight, then in 2012 I thought, “this sneaker is to colorful, it’s ugly, people are going to think that I’m too happy”, I thought they were to colorful, so I stopped using them for some time. Until one day I looked at the shoe closet and I noticed that they were dirty, so I thought “damn! These sneakers are good looking, I’m glad I bought them at the time” (laughs). Because I wouldn’t find a pair like these today, so i started to use them again and now they’re one of my favorites.
Do you have any specific story to tell with them?
mariSince I always felt really good in them, because they’re one of the most comfortable shoes I have, I wore them on every trip I took.
And, when I was getting my driver’s license, I wore them to the first driving class. I was scared of driving so I thought “I can’t change sneakers or I’ll won’t be able to feel the clutch pedal, my foot is going to slip from the brakes and I’m going to mess everything up. I know these have good grip, so that’s it”. I wore them to every class and even a year after I got my drivers license, I would only drive if I was wearing them. I was scared that if I didn’t wear them I would crash the car or something. Nowadays I can wear other pairs but back then it was only them.
Adidas Honey Grün Low W
Owner:Mari Silva
Bought: 2010
Size: BR36/US7
Photos by: Kickstory